Post-PRP knee care with Dr. Naseh Yousefi

Post-PRP knee care with Dr. Naseh Yousefi

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Treating knee problems through PRP is very effective, and injection into tendons, ligaments, muscles, and joints accelerates the healing process. In the first weeks after the injection, the injected platelets will restore the damaged cells. As a result, if you pay attention to the care after PRP injection, it will last longer.

What is the care after knee PRP?
Paying attention to post-PRP knee care and doctor's instructions is very effective for improving knee problems. Doctors usually provide people with the necessary instructions to avoid possible risks, including infection and bleeding. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to a series of points that we will mention in the following.

First to third day after injection
After PRP injection, you may feel mild to moderate pain, which indicates the adaptation of this substance to the body. For further improvement, we recommend keeping your body hydrated and drinking a lot of water.

In addition, avoid taking any medication after the injection, unless specifically prescribed by the doctor. During this period, do not take any anti-inflammatory drugs and try to stop taking supplements, vitamins, and blood thinners for 21 days.

In the first three days after the sessions, avoid putting cold compresses on the injection site or using heat therapy. Also, avoid going to the swimming pool and sauna for a few days after the PRP injection. In addition, it is forbidden to consume any alcoholic beverages for two days after the injection.

Care for 4 weeks after knee PRP injection
In the next step, after 4 weeks, you should gradually increase your daily activities. Therefore, try to include regular exercise in your schedule to see long-term results sooner.

Also, you should apply a cold compress for 20 minutes 3 to 4 times a day on the injection site, and you can use anti-inflammatory drugs such as naproxen and ibuprofen to control the pain. Avoid drinking alcohol, smoking, and consuming too much caffeine.

The effect of knee PRP care Clinic of Dr. Naseh Yousefi

Necessary care 5 weeks after knee PRP injection
After 5 weeks of PRP injection, you should do strengthening exercises and physical therapy for long-term improvement. You should consult a doctor or medical team to recommend the necessary care. If there is a need to change the treatment plan, the doctor will decide about it.

Rest after knee PRP injection
One of the cares after PRP knee is to have enough rest. After each session, you should rest for 24 to 72 hours. Do not bathe in the first 24 hours after PRP injection.

Do not forget to do strengthening exercises and physical therapy, because it will help reduce pain in the following periods. In addition to rest, one of the post-PRP knee treatments is ice massage, which must be repeated every 8 hours. In addition, avoid painkillers on the first day. For more effect, you can use acupuncture and laser therapy during recovery.

For PRP injection, visit Dr. Naseh Yousefi's clinic, the best knee PRP center in Tehran. Specialist doctors will provide you with post-PRP knee care after each session so that you do not suffer any possible complications.

The effect of care after knee PRP
Paying attention to the instructions and care after knee PRP can increase the speed of recovery and minimize its possible complications. These guidelines will not only help the knee heal faster, but also prevent post-injection problems, including infection and damage to the nerves in the knee. Among the most important effects of following care procedures after PRP treatment, we can mention the following:

1- Taking care after the injection will restore the knee tissues and the healing process will occur faster.

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2- Although the effect of care after PRP injection is different based on the conditions and severity of the disease, however, paying attention to the doctor's instructions can shorten the recovery period.

3- With prp injection, your immune system will be strengthened and this will reduce the pain and inflammation of the injured knee area.

What are the complications of not paying attention to care after PRP knee?
In PRP treatment, the patient's own blood is used and this method is very safe. However, if people do not pay attention to the care after the knee, they may be exposed to the following risks:

1- Feeling severe pain in the injection area

2- Local infection

3- Nerve damage to the injected area

4- Nausea and headache

5- Fainting and dizziness

6- Heart palpitations

7- Dryness and joint pain

For the treatment of knee problems by specialist doctors with the least amount of complications, visit Dr. Naseh Yousefi's clinic in West Tehran. After completing the treatment, experienced doctors will provide you with care instructions so that you do not suffer any possible injuries.

Summary of contents

It is very necessary to pay attention to the care after PRP of the knee. People who follow the doctor's instructions during recovery and after each session will suffer less damage and side effects. Failure to pay attention to care points, including adequate rest and not drinking plenty of water, causes complications such as infection.

Considering that PRP injection should be done safely and under the supervision of expert doctors, visit Dr. Naseh Yousefi's clinic to treat knee complications. The experienced staff of Dr. Naseh Yousefi Clinic will help you recover faster by providing necessary advice and care instructions.

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